3 Signs of Sensory Overwhelm in Highly Sensitive Children

Avoidance, tears, and big emotions - these are just a few of the ways that sensory overload can show up in Highly Sensitive (HSP) Children.

While each child is different, many Highly Sensitive children struggle with both environmental overstimulation as well as emotional overwhelm.

This week, I’m reflecting on some relatively common “warning signs” that your HSP child is overstimulated - I’d love to hear your thoughts on these or any other signs of overwhelm that you’ve observed in your child!

In this episode, you'll learn:

1. Signs of Sensory Overwhelm in Highly Sensitive Children

2. Resources for HSPs

Resources from this episode:

1. “Supporting your Highly Sensitive Child” Course

2. Highly Sensitive Parenthood Nourish Coaching Package

3. Highly Sensitive Parenthood Course

4. Highly Sensitive Parenthood Toolkit

5. Highly Sensitive Parenthood Blog

6. Highly Sensitive Parenthood YouTube Channel

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