3 Things NOT to Say to your Highly Sensitive Child

As a fellow parent of a Deeply Feeling or Highly Sensitive Child (HSC), I know that it can be difficult to know what to say to our children when they’re upset, particularly when we are frustrated!

In this week’s blog, I’m reflecting on three statements that we should avoid saying to our HSP children - with the understanding that we are human and should allow ourselves grace when we slip up ;)

In this episode, you'll learn:

1. Words NOT to say to support your Highly Sensitive Child

2. Where to seek additional support if your child is an HSP

Resources from this episode:

1. “Supporting your Highly Sensitive Child” Course

2. Highly Sensitive Parenthood Nourish Coaching Package

3. Highly Sensitive Parenthood Course

4. Highly Sensitive Parenthood Toolkit

5. Highly Sensitive Parenthood Blog

6. Highly Sensitive Parenthood YouTube Channel

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