Managing Holiday Stress for Highly Sensitive (HSP) Parents

"It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!" - or is it?

There can be SO much pressure on parents around the Holidays, and this time of year can bring stress and grief alongside the joy and peace many of us long for. As parents, we also carry the extra weight of trying to make the holidays meaningful and magical for our children, while also taking into account our own needs and limitations.

In this week’s podcast I am reflecting on some common challenges parents face at this time of year, and offering a FREE gift that will support you in reducing holiday stress. 


In this episode, you'll learn:

1. Common challenges for HSP parents during the Holidays

2. Resources to support you in managing and reducing Holiday stress


Resources from this episode:

1. Highly Sensitive Parenthood Nourish Coaching Package

2. Highly Sensitive Parenthood Course

3. Highly Sensitive Parenthood Toolkit

4. Highly Sensitive Parenthood Blog 

5. Highly Sensitive Parenthood YouTube Channel


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