Gifts and Challenges of being an HSP Parent of an HSP Child

Hey there HSP and Empath Parents! How many of you are Highly Sensitive Parents of child(ren) who are also HSPs? In fact, High Sensitivity (aka “Sensory Processing Sensitivity”) is an inherited trait! That means the biological children of HSP parents are slightly more likely to be Highly Sensitive Children (HSC’s).

In this week's blog, I'll be sharing the gifts and as well as challenges of being an HSP parent of an HSP child. I'd LOVE to hear more about your experiences as a parent of an HSP child in the comments!


In this episode, you'll learn:

1. The gifts and benefits of being an HSP Parent of an HSP Child

2. A few unique challenges of being an HSP Parent of an HSP Child

3. Support and resources available from Highly Sensitive Parenthood


Resources from this episode:

1. Highly Sensitive Parenthood Nourish Coaching Package

2. Highly Sensitive Parenthood Course

3. Highly Sensitive Parenthood Toolkit

4. Highly Sensitive Parenthood Blogs

5. Highly Sensitive Parenthood YouTube Channel


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